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SRCC Commute Miles Entry Form

SRCC Commute Miles Entry Form

"Commute" miles include any journey taken by bicycle instead of by car. That includes commuting to work, riding to the store to buy a quart of milk, riding to the start of a club ride, etc. Include any trip that you otherwise might have taken by car. Don't be embarrassed if your mileage is small. Everyone who participates helps support bicycle commuting.

Number of trips includes both directions. For example, a day's commuting to work counts as two trips if you ride both ways. If you stop at the store to pick up some things on the way home from work, that would be a total of three trips. In grey areas, use your best judgement. This is all on the honor system anyway.

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If new, enter name here (first name first) and new password below

Enter Password (If you forgot your password, ask the Commute miles Czar)

Select Year and Month

Enter Commute miles and Number of trips